Monday, January 4, 2016

Belly Fat Blow Out

The program starts with a 3 day detox to force the body to start changing, and then reintroducing 3 meals and 2 snacks a day.
You start out by taking measurements - which are then done weekly.

You are encouraged to allow ourselves a 90/10 attitude on food - so 10% of the time we can break the rules.

She teaches you general awareness of the food that you are eating - really for anyone who has no idea where to start on a healthier lifestyle, Stephanie hits it bang on and has some fabulous and simple recipes for you to follow.

You are taught how to maintain a protein:carbohydrate ratio of 1:1 for 6 days - this is a LOT of protein - my nemesis as I never seem to eat enough of it. I am a work in progress. Always.

She shows you how to weigh or eyeball the ratios out.

Over the course of the 10 days, exercise is increased, and we are given a meal plan for each day.

This Kindle edition ALSO includes Belly Fat Blowout II - a 5 week continuation of the program to really teach you healthy eating habits - there is a LOT of support and information provided.

During this 5 weeks, still no grains or foods with made with flour - like bread.  Everyone else I know who has cut out bread and rice (grains) also just loses weight.
You also go to a more reasonable 2:1 carbohydrate:protein ratio.

Each week includes:
- A support call (you can download an MP3 for this)
- New recipes
- Facebook Support
- Morning Mantras
- Food Journal

Each week teaches you the basics about healthy eating, basic fitness, and more encouragement.

I think this book is great and well organized with a lot of helpful resources.

Belly Fat Blowout would be beneficial to anyone who thinks eating healthy is a hassle or has no idea where to start. Even I learned new information and got some delicious (and easy) recipes to help bring in that extra protein I'm looking for.
Click here to receive your own copy of this edition.

 I received this book at no cost for my fair and fabulously honest review

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